vineri, 20 aprilie 2012

English through Acting


                                                    Festival Statute

1.Festival theme: free to choose

2.The length of the play between 10-15 minutes

3.Every band prepares a poster of the play

4.The bands belonging to the „electronic section” to send by a postal parcel the Cd-s/Dvd-s up to 15th of May,2012 at the address:

Scoala Gimnaziala Nr11,”Mihai Sadoveanu”
Str.Mihail Sadoveanu Nr.14

5.The jury will be made up of two teachers of English, one of art education, a students’ representative and a teacher from Galati Theatre Faculty.

6.It will be awarded prizes and diplomas for:
   - the best play;
   -the best actress/actor in the leading role;
   -the best actress/actor in a supporting role;
   -the most beautiful costumes;
   -Miss & Mr.Festival.

*More info at the
++40749952913 –teacher Nelu Caldararu

                                               DRAMA FESTIVAL
                                                 APPLICATION  FORM

School address:  
Coordinating teacher:
Mail address & mobile:
Name of theatre band:                 
Number of actors:  
Title & playwright’s name :  


Summary of the play: (what is it about in…?).............................................

Play length: -   

Section:       live           □ CD

Please register for the contest as soon as possible and send the Cd/Dvd up to 15th of May.

Thanks in advance!

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