joi, 30 noiembrie 2017

Comunicat de presă - Alianţa Familiilor din România


Este o traditie pentru AFR sa ureze Romaniei "La Multi Ani"! de 1 decembrie. O facem din nou astazi cind Romania implineste 99 de ani! Patriotismul este o valoare cardinala pe care o practicam si promovam. Ii spunem Romaniei "la Multi Ani" si cerem binecuvintarile marinimoase ale lui Dumnezeu peste ea! E bine pentru o natiune sa-si puna soarta in mina lui Dumnezeu si sa-I ceara calauzirea. Mai ales in vremurile tulburi in care traim. E bine ca Romania sa-si aminteasca ca bunastarea ei tine de Dumnezeu nu de omul muritor. Nici politicienii, nici executivul, nici legiuitorii si nici Curtea Constitutionala nu i-o pot da. Daca Romania a ajuns la 99 de ani si azi e mai libera, mai in siguranta si mai prospera ca niciodata in istoria ei, asta se datoreaza doar dragostei si milei lui Dumnezeu. Si a faptului ca generatiile de dinaintea noastra, cu mult mai simple si sarace ca noi, au fost credincioase lui Dumnezeu si au pastrat si pretuit valorile crestine. Romania, nu iti alipi inima de idolii veacului acestuia! Iubeste pe Dumnezeu si cinsteste-L!
Nici NATO nici Uniunea Europeana nu pot da Romaniei securitatea si prosperitatea de care ea are nevoie. NATO si Uniunea Europeana sunt uriasi cu picioare de lut care azi sunt dar miine nu. Astazi, Uniunea Europeana e mai slaba, mai putin o "uniune" si mai mica ca acum un an. Marea Britanie s-a retras din acest experiment al secularismului european post-modern anul trecut, iar in urmatorii citiva ani nu este exclus ca si alte tari sa o abandoneze. NATO e in defensiva si in deriva, in fata unei Rusii agresive si a unei migratii musulmane fara precedent. Tancurile Rusiei stau tot la 100 de kilometri de Romania asa cum au fost si acum un an. Tot mai multe carti se scriu, pe ambele maluri ale Atlanticului, privind declinul in aparenta terminal si ireversibil al Europei. Idolii secularismului european vin si trec. Merkel, femeia in care europenii isi pun nadejdea, e si ea muritoare, iar evenimentele din ultimele luni indica ca steaua ei apune. La fel Theresa May. Ultima vedeta a secularismului european, Emanuel Macron, e si el dezorientat. Singura nadeje a Romaniei si Europei e Dumnezeu, crestinismul si valorile crestine.
Romania nu trebuie sa uite mina providentiala a lui Dumnezeu. Anul acesta au parvenit si stiri bune despre Romania, printre multele nu tocmai bune, care dovedesc ca Dumnezeu continua sa binecuvinteaze tara noastra. Mai devreme in toamna a fost publicat un studiu global despre foamea si subnutritia in lume. Romanii nu mor de foame, dar altii mor. Nici nu sufera de malnutritie, dar altii sufera. Conform studiului doar 0,8% dintre romani sufera de foame ori malnutritie. Ar fi bine ca nici unul dintre noi sa nu se culce infometat, dar foamea si subnutritia la noi, in comparatie cu alte tari ale lumii, e minima. Conform studiului global, incidenta foamei e mai ridicata la vecinii nostri ca la noi, de peste 12% din populatie in Republica Moldova, de 8% in Bulgaria, de aproape 7% in Serbia, si mai ridicata in Ucraina si Slovacia. Si e de peste 40% in unele tari africane. Haideti deci, cu acest prilej al Zilei Nationale, sa nu uitam sa ne umilim cu multumiri in fata lui Dumnezeu pentru binecuvintarile Lui. [Studiul global privind foamea poate fi citit aici:]
Ne-am gindit potrivit ocaziei sa publicam din nou, asa cum am facut-o si in trecut, o Proclamatie rostita de primul presedinte american George Washington in 1789. Este un mesaj spiritual in care el aminteste Americii ca isi datoreaza libertatea si bunastarea doar lui Dumnezeu, “dadatorul tuturor lucrurilor bune.” Proclamatia din 1789 a stabilit in mod oficial ultima zi de joi a lui noiembrie ca Zi a Multumirii pentru intreaga natiune americana. Uram si noi Romaniei binecuvintarile lui Dumnezeu, amintindu-i ca fara El nu se poate astepta la un viitor binecuvintat. Supravietuirea multiseculara cu care ne mindrim se datoreaza in primul rind credintei pe care noi si cei de dinaintea noastra au avut-o in Dumnezeu, si respectului deosebit pe care l-au avut fata de valori, in primul rind viata, familia si casatoria. Doar aceste institutii ne pot asigura supravietuirea si in viitor. Bizuinta pe lucrurile trecatoare ori structurile europene nu se pot substitui acestor garantii incercate de timp. 
Proclamatia Prezidentiala a Multumirii (1789)
CONSIDERIND ca este datoria fiecarei natiuni sa recunoasca providenta Dumnezeului celui Atotputernic, sa asculte de voia Lui, sa-I fie multumitoare pentru binecuvintarile Lui, si sa ii implore in umilinta protectia si bunavointa; si avind in vedere ca ambele Camere ale Congresului, prin comitetele lor comune, mi-au cerut sa “recomand poporului Statelor Unite o Zi Publica a Multumirii si Rugaciunii, sa fie tinuta prin rugaciuni din inimi multumitoare pentru multele si evidentele binecuvintari ale Dumnezeului Celui Atotputernic, in special dindu-le oportunitatea sa-si stabileasca in  pace o forma de guvernamint pentru siguranta si fericirea proprie;”
Recomand si desemnez ca Joi, Noiembrie DouaZecisiSase, sa fie devotata de cetatenii acestui Stat in onorarea marei si glorioase Fiinte care este Creatorul binevoitor al tuturor lucrurilor bune care au fost, sunt, si vor fi; ca toti sa ne unim in acea zi sa-I dam rugaciunile noastre sincere si umile pentru purtarea de grija plina de dragoste si protectia oamenilor acestei tari inainte de a deveni o natiune; pentru harul mult si evident si interventiile facute de el in razboiul care tocmai s-a terminat; pentru linistea, unitatea, si bunastarea de care toti am avut parte de atunci incoace; pentru ca am putut in liniste si intelegere sa formam Constitutii pentru guvernare in siguranta si fericire, cit si pentru Constitutia nationala care am adaopta-o recent; pentru libertatea civila si religioasa cu care suntem binecuvintati; pentru mijloacele de care dispunem sa obtinem si sa transmitem invataturi folositoare; si, in general pentru toate binecuvintarile, multe si diferite care El in bunavointa Lui a socotit de bine sa ni le dea.
Iar apoi, ca sa ne unim si in umilinta sa facem rugaciuni si cereri cu reverenta catre marele Domn si Stapin al Natiunilor si sa-L rugam sa ierte pacatele natiunii si altele; sa ne imputerniceasca pe toti, in public sau in casele noastre, sa ne facem datoria fata de societate; sa facem din Guvernul National o binecuvintare pentru toti oamenii, fiind in permanenta un Guvern intelep, drept, si de drept, cu legi drepte care sa fie aplicate in intregime si de buna credinta; sa protejeze si sa calauzeasca toate natiunile (in special pe cele care ne-au aratat bunavointa); si sa le binecuvinteze cu stapiniri bune, pace, si intelegere; sa promoveze cunosterea si practicarea adevaratei religii si virtuti, si sa creasca cunostinta intre ele si noi; si, in general, sa acorde intregii umanitati o prosperitate paminteaca cum El o socoteste mai potrivita.
Data si semnata de mine, in orasul New York, in ziua de Trei Octombrie, in Anul Domnului Nostru, O Mie Sapte Sute Optzeci si Noua.
Gaorge Washington, Presedinte
Statele Unite ale Americii
Versiunea Engleza
WHEREAS it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and Whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me "to recommend to the people of the United States a DAY OF PUBLIC THANKSGIVING and PRAYER, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness:"
NOW THEREFORE, I do recommend and assign THURSDAY, the TWENTY-SIXTH DAY of NOVEMBER next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enable to establish Constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted;- for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge;- and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.
And also, that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; - to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us); and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best.
GIVEN under my hand, at the city of New York, the third day of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.
Signed: George Washington
Source: The Massachusetts Centinel, Wednesday, October 14, 1789  
It's been a while since we have not updated our English-speaking readers about the marriage constitutional amendment currently underway in Romania. Here are the latest details we can share with you.
Impressive Survey Results: The Coalition for the Family which initiated the constitutional amendment commissioned a vast opinion poll conducted in the first half of October 2017 which places Romania at odds over gay marriage with Western Europe, North America, and Australia. It's puzzling, however, that, even though the overwhelming majority of Romanians do not want same-marriage legalized in their country and 3 millions of them signed in support of a constitutional amendment to ban it, the constitutionally-mandated referendum on the matter is not yet in sight. What are the main findings of the national poll and what's going on?
According to the survey over 90% of Romanians view marriage as the union between a man and a woman, whose main role is procreation and the rearing and education of children. 91% of the persons who participated in the survey agreed with the phrase: "marriage must be defined as the traditional union between men and women for procreation, the rearing and education of children." Only 6% rejected this definition. An almost equal percentage, over 90%, agreed with the statement "God created man and woman to be together as a family, for procreation, and nobody and nothing can change this norm."
Asked "are you for or against defining marriage as the union of two persons regardless of their sex," 87 % of them  answered "No." When asked: "if you were to vote in a national referendum for or against legalizing marriage between persons of the same sex would you vote in favor or against?" 83% of the respondents said their would vote against legalizing same sex marriage.
Nearly two-thirds (65%) of the respondents stated they are also against legalizing civil partnerships for either opposite sex or same-sex couples. With respect to gay adoptions, 87% of them stated opposition to the adoption of children by gay couples.
Romanians also gave high marks to the importance of marriage in their society. 80% of the respondents believe that gay marriage impacts negatively procreation and the rearing of children, and 78% that it will have a negative impact on education and the legal system. Romanians also seemed able to distinguish between same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage. 71% of the respondents stated no one prevents homosexuals from loving one another or having sexual relations, but this, however, does not mandate or justify granting them a right to marry.
Romanians gave high marks to the role of the Church and faith in their society, 87% of the respondents stating that "the promotion of Christian values in Romanian society means observing the traditional values which shaped Romania." 82% of them expressed the view that "the Church has a positive role in the education of children," and 85% that "the Church has a positive role in fostering peaceful relations among individuals." Finally, 83% of Romanians reject teaching sex education in school.
The national survey was conducted by the Center for Urban and Regional Sociology and it involved 1,067 respondents, all over the age of 18. The margin of error is 3% and the degree of trustworthiness of the survey results 95%.
What about the politicians?
Oddly enough, Romania's Social-Democratic Party is the main backer of the constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. It holds over 45% of the seats in the Parliament and right now is the King maker in Romania's politics. Not particularly liked by socialists in the European Union, Romania's socialists are fairly conservative. Their leader has stated on several occasions that, like other countries, Romania will have to face gay marriage head-on, and that he prefers the matter be decided by national referendum not by courts or the European Union. Romania is one of the very few countries in the European Union where the socialists dominate national politics, while theoretically conservative parties dominate politics in most of the European Union. Along with other minor political parties, Romania's socialists have enough votes to pass the gay marriage ban in the Senate, but have not put it to a vote yet. Why?
Oddly enough, the opposition comes from the right, from political parties and groups which claim to be conservative. The National Liberal Party holds 20% of the seats in the Parliament but its President announced in the spring opposition to the gay marriage ban. In the summer a new Party president was elected who claims to support it. Another political group, the Save Romania Union, holding 8% of the seats in the Parliament, has come out officially against the ban. The Union appears to be on its way out, however. It mushroomed into a political party in fall 2016 as an elitist political movement fighting corruption, but now stands at only 5% in the national polls. If it falls below 5% in the 2020 winter elections, it will drop out of the Parliament altogether. Opposition, however, is also mounting from the European Union and the current US Ambassador to Bucharest, an appointee of the Obama Administration.
In the spring, the Chamber of Deputies overwhelmingly passed the constitutional amendment which now awaits passage in the Senate before it can be voted on in a national referendum. In September the socialists revised the referendum laws announcing plans to pass the referendum in the Senate and put it to a vote in late October or early November. In the meanwhile, the liberal - conservatives stalled the process and challenged the proposed modifications in Romania's Constitutional Court. The bottom line is that, barring unforeseen circumstances, the amendment is expected to be submitted to a vote in the Senate in the spring and to a national referendum around Easter.
O cititoare ne-a rugat sa facem urmatorul anunt pentru parintii care se confrunta cu probleme de comportament din partea copiilor lor. Buna ziua. Ma numesc Suciu Adriana, 60 de ani dn Bucuresti. Doresc sa scriu si eu un anunt, daca imi este permis si mi-ati face un enorm bine daca l-ati publica sau daca ati anunta familiile care au copii de scoala, clasele 1-8, pentru ca m-ati ajuta nesperat de mult. Va multumesc pentru amabilitate. Sunt psiholog - psihologie clinica si profesor gr. did. I cu varsta 60 ani ofer seriozitate, multa rabdare, competenta, explicatii clare, pe intelesul tuturor,  la romana, franceza, engleza, incepatori, dar si / sau consiliere psihologica elevilor din clasele 1-8, in Bucuresti si zonele limitrofe. Sedinta poate fi intre doua si patru ore, daca se doreste si supraveghere la toate materiile (un fel de after school, dar la domiciliu ). Evaluarea psiho-comportamentala are rolul de a stabili decalajul dintre varsta cronologica si varsta mentala, pe toate ariile de dezvoltare, de a conduce la schitarea unui program individualizat care include recomandarile de lucru pentru acasa, de a oferi punctul de plecare pentru interventia comportamentala, de a ghida parintii în comunicarea eficienta cu copilul, de a ajuta parintii sa organizeze timpul si spatiul fizic, de a identifica comportamentele neadecvate.  Pretul orei este in functie de durata sedintelor si de distanta. Pentru Bucuresti este de 70 de lei / doua ore, la domiciliul elevilor. Contacte:, tel. 799 472 426.
Buletinul informativ AFR apare in fiecare Marti si e dedicat mai mult stirilor de ultima ora, iar publicatia AFR online apare in fiecare Joi si e dedicata mai mult comentariilor si opiniilor. Cei care doriti sa primiti saptaminal stiri si comentarii la zi privind valorile si evenimentele legislative, politice si sociale care va afecteaza familiile, atit la nivel national cit si la nivel unional si international, sunteti invitati sa va abonati la buletinul informativ saptaminal AFR. Cum? Inregistrindu-va numele si adresa electronica pe pagina home a sitului nostru electronic
Faceti-ne cunoscuti familiilor si prietenilor d-tra. Dati mai departe mesajele noastre si incurajati-i sa se aboneze. Va multumim.  
Cei care doriti sa faceti anunturi prin intermediul AFR privind evenimente legate de familie si valori va rugam sa ni le transmiteti la
Alianta Familiilor din Romania

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