vineri, 29 iunie 2018

“a rich portrait of an artist whose risk-taking and inventive approach to form changed the course of the art that followed.”

Constantin Brancusi Sculpture
July 22, 2018–February 24, 2019
The Museum of Modern Art

“This exhibition celebrates MoMA’s extraordinary holdings—11 sculptures by Brancusi will be shown together for the first time, alongside drawings, photographs, and films. A selection of never-before-seen archival materials shed light on the artist’s working process and relationships with friends, sitters, and patrons, including this Museum. What emerges is a rich portrait of an artist whose risk-taking and inventive approach to form changed the course of the art that followed.”

Cu respect,
Valentin-Nicolae Bercă
"România Magnifică" - - un proiect cultural pentru unitatea şi bogăţia spirituală a Românilor de pretutindeni, militând pentru reafirmarea valorilor spiritualităţii poporului român, unit prin limbă, tradiţii şi credinţă creştină, mereu mândru de istoria sa multimilenară  în spaţiul carpato-danubiano-pontic.

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