joi, 31 octombrie 2019

"Get spooked in the Transylvanian Alps"

Romania’s twisting, mile-high Transfăgărășan Road traces a north-south route between the country’s two highest peaks. Vlad the Impaler, the prince who inspired Bram Stoker’s Dracula, is perhaps the region’s greatest claim to fame, and tourists can stop at the ruins of 700-year-old Poenari Castle after a scenic drive past the Arges River, the crescent-shaped rim of Vidraru Dam, and the emerald Vidraru Lake. Stop off at the 20-story Bâlea Waterfall to catch a red cable car up to Bâlea Lake, with two year-round chalets and anice hotel built from scratch each winter.
Travel tip: As if crossing 27 bridges and aqueducts, navigating an unlit tunnel, and keeping an eye out for errant flocks of sheep in the road wasn’t challenging enough—treacherous weather conditions mean Transfăgărășan Road is only reliably open from late June through mid-October.

Cu respect,
Valentin-Nicolae Bercă
"România Magnifică" - - un proiect cultural pentru unitatea şi bogăţia spirituală a Românilor de pretutindeni, militând pentru reafirmarea valorilor spiritualităţii poporului român, unit prin limbă, tradiţii şi credinţă creştină, mereu mândru de istoria sa multimilenară  în spaţiul carpato-danubiano-pontic.

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